What is a Network Address?
Network Address
- it is more commonly known as IP (Internet Protocol) Address.
- it is the numeric address of a computer connected to the network.
- is a set of numbers, called as "octets" or "dotted decimal" notation, that identifies any network device.
IP Versions
1. IPv4- IP version 4- is the standard version
2. IPv6- IP version 6- is the advanced version
IPv4- Internet Protocol version 4
IPv4 addresses are canonically represented in dotted- decimal notation, which consists of four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by dots, e.g., Each part represents a group of 8 bits (octet) of the address.
Binary numbers ( 0 and 1 )- the only numbers that the computer understands
1 byte=8 bits
4 bytes=32 bits
4 bytes=32 bits
Class A- 1 to 126
Class B- 128 to 191
Class C- 192 to 223
Class D- 224 to 239
Class E- 240 to 255
Note:127- loop back function of a network
Class D- is for multicast
Class E- reserved for future or experimental purposes
Typical home networks use IP addresses that start with 192.168.
1. Right click My Network Places.
2. Click Properties.
3. Right click Local Area Connection.
4. Click Properties.
5. Click TCP/IP.
6. Click Properties.
- Obtain an IP address automatically
- Use the following IP address:
Subnet Mask:
7. Click OK.
1. Click Start Button.
2. Click Run.
3. Type cmd.
4. Type ipconfig.
5. Type ping(IP Address).
Source of Photos: Google Images
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