
How to Reformat a Personal Computer?

Steps to Reformat a Personal Computer 1 . Start your pc and press key F2, F12 or delete key (Depends on your PC model).   Your PC BIOS settings will be displayed. Find boot menu. In boot device priority select CD-ROM as first boot device. BIOS - Basic Input/Output System 2. Your PC will boot from CD and windows installation will start. Press Enter at this screen. 3. Accept License agreement by pressing F8 key. 4. Delete the partitions. 5. Create the partitions. 6. Define the size of partitions. 7. Now select your desired partition for installation  of Windows XP and press enter. 8. Choose to format the partition. Choose NTFS file  system quick.  9. Setup will format the partition.   10. After formatting, setup will start copying files on  to the hard disk. 11. After copying of files, setup will s...

How to Share File and Printer in a Computer Network?

Working with Computer Networks Preliminary Steps 1. Create an IP Address. 2. Configure the IP Address. 3. Set Windows firewall settings. 4. Set up a home or small office network. 1.   Create an IP Address Server (1) Client (2) Subnet Mask A B C  2. Configure the IP Address ipconfig                                                                                   ipconfig ping                                  ...

What is a Network Address?

Network Address                        - it is more commonly known as IP (Internet Protocol) Address.                        - it is the numeric address of a computer connected to the network.                        - is a set of numbers, called as "octets" or "dotted decimal" notation , that identifies any network device. Example: IP Versions 1. IPv4- IP version 4- is the standard version   2. IPv6- IP version 6- is the advanced version IPv4- Internet Protocol version 4           IPv4 addresses are canonically represented in dotted- decimal notation, which consists of four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255 , separated by dots, e.g., . Each part represents a group of 8 bits (octet) of the address. Binary numbers ( 0 an...